This is apparently much of what he was presenting at his lectures and workshops.  Awesome stuff!    Some of it might be easy to dismiss if you haven’t heard any of it before.. but that’s probably you not being open-minded.  😉

2012 Event Horizon — Official YouTube Launch!.

Love it!  Enjoy!

Indian man survives without food and water, baffles doctors | National Post.

Dammit people!  Watch these videos and believe it!

David Wilcock interview

April 27, 2010

It’s already another Instant Classic, and you can download and listen to it, free. ALSO, the entire two-hour show is one hundred percent commercial free, thanks to our friends at Co-Creator Network!


I’m loving this video:

Some important information about Earth and Human History… and you can be for damn sure that you won’t see it on TV or in any Schools.   It’s a real pity.

PLEASE watch it!

Here is a previous interview with the same dude:



Jesus & Ancient Mystery Schools:

~ Fantastic interview ! ~

On Monday’s program, clairvoyant and historian Tricia McCannon talked about the hidden life of Jesus Christ, and how he was influenced by the ancient Mystery Schools such as those of the Druids, Egyptians, Greeks and Essenes. She also spoke about her own spiritual and psychic development, as she learned from various spiritual entities who appeared to her such as the “Council of Nine”– “primordial wave form energies that interpenetrate the universe,” that can be “anywhere and everywhere.” In the Native American Twisted Hair tradition, which she said dates back 230,000 years, Earth was seeded by 12 extraterrestrial races. In her own Mystery School, she said she teaches about the various solar systems and dimensions that the ancestor ETs hail from.

In her research about Jesus, McCannon said she had access to hidden Vatican documents, one of which described how Bethlehem was covered in waves of light around the time of Jesus’ birth. Calling Jesus the incarnation of one of the “Four Great Kumaras,” or Sons of God who periodically return to Earth, she said he developed his inner faculties such as clairvoyance at some of the Mystery Schools he attended.
According to her research, Christ visited Britain as a young boy, and that Mary’s mother was a Celtic princess. Using the name Issa, he studied with the Druids, then went to India where he was initiated by the Brahmins, amassed some 5,000 followers, and lived for six years, she continued. Returning to his homeland, he played out the cosmic mystery drama of resurrection on a world stage, she said, suggesting that Christ learned techniques about energy bodies from the Egyptian Mystery School that helped enable his resurrection.

Survivalism expert Jim Rawles discussed the mindset of preparedness in an uncertain world, and the wild cards to prepare for including solar flares, EMP attacks, & global economic collapse. “I try to encourage people to get squared away on what I refer to as ‘beans, bullets, and Band-aids,’ essentially everything people would need for a major disaster,” he said, noting that normal commerce could be disrupted in number of scenarios.

Among the most important items for people to have are good quality water filters (such as Katadyn or British Berkefeld), as you may need to collect water from open sources, he detailed. A first-aid kit, wind-up radio, canned & dried foods, firearms, cash, and alternative communication devices like a CB radio are among the additional items he mentioned. Rawles stressed that training is even more important than the supplies. For instance, if you don’t know how to use a gun or perform first-aid, the items are useless.

The power grid in the United States is particularly vulnerable to an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) attack or an X-Flare from the sun (like the Carrington Event of 1859). Such occurrences could knock out radio, telecommunications, GPS, and even cars might not work– a cascade of events which could “bring us to our knees,” Rawles pointed out. He recommended that people move to lightly populated farming regions, if they are able to. Interestingly, he noted there were two very different groups currently interested in survivalism, conservative Christians and left-of-center environmentalists, but within his website forum they were finding common ground to explore.

Disaster Preparedness – Shows – Coast to Coast AM.

The Rabbits Hole Presentation

February 15, 2010

Take a look at the video presentation:

Look at the presentation that the presenter is presenting:

I like these pages:

YouTube – Project Camelot interviews Klaus Dona, spiritual archaeologist.

Infrangerea flotei spatiale a Vechiului Imperiu Galactic on Flickr – Photo Sharing!.